
Showing posts from September, 2017

Gender Madness

***I switch my home page between Entrepreneur and Inc. It used to be National Review and Fox News, but honestly the daily drumbeat of negative news is something I don't need, especially since I tend to focus too much on politics anyway. I thought looking at go-getters who are really doing something would be much more affirming, and I was right. However, I'm getting a little tired of the stories such as Meet the Female Founders Behind America's Hottest Companies and 4 Tips for Entrepreneurs Raising Money (Who Happen to be Women) .  Those are on Inc. today. Go over to Entrepreneur, and there's "Remember the Ladies: 5 Reasons Your Sales Team Needs More Women."  I'm not averse to looking for ways to reach all demographics, that's just smart marketing, but it seems we are being pigeonholed more and more by our gender, our skin color, our ethnicity, whatever. For me as a business owner, I'm not the least bit interested in how diverse my team is. I'

Changing Direction

***Boy, there are days when we really need to re-think our positions on different issues and about different people. I've been so disappointed by some who I thought had a good head on their shoulders and really had something to offer, then I see then come to the defense of the overpaid, integrity-challenged athletes who all of a sudden are offended by our National Anthem. Just came on them all at once, you see, just like the people who are destroying confederate statues that have been present for decades. All of a sudden they're offended by them. It's a pathetic grab for attention, and in some cases, an excuse for thugs to act like what they are. We are not teaching respect to our young people. Love of country has gone by the wayside. "Do what is right for you" is the mantra now. What a selfish ideology. I came across this story in American Thinker about a rabid liberal who took the time to really think about what she believed and followed, and didn't like

100 Day Plan

*** This is an interesting article about having a vision and setting goals, then working your plan to achieve them. There are 100 days left in the year . How are your 2017 goals coming along? For most people (me among them), there are things you wanted to accomplish that you haven't even started yet. Fortunately, 100 days is a great time period for achieving goals. It's a sufficient block to achieve progress, but short enough to leave no room for procrastination, which leads to a greater likelihood of success. I know this from experience, having used 100-day plans several times to achieve big professional and personal goals. Among them: Getting in shape to run a marathon, after basically being a non-runner More than quadrupling the average monthly readership of this column, from about 250,000 people to well over one million Studying for and successfully passing the state bar exam, while simultaneously running a media startup 1. Draft a goal. You need a goal

Wild 'n Crazy!

***My goodness, I've never been this busy. Every office is slamming me! Glad to have the work, but dang, working from 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. is getting really old. Goes with the territory, though. *** U.S. household wealth sets another record. Net worth for households and non-profit groups rose by $1.7t q/q, or 1.8%, to $96.2t, according to Fed’s financial accounts report, previously known as flow of funds survey Value of financial assets, including stocks and pension fund holdings, increased by $1.2t Household debt increased at a 3.7% annual rate in the second quarter  Household real-estate assets rose by $508b; owners’ equity as share of total real-estate holdings up to 58.4% from 57.9%  This is all good news, therefore you probably won't see it covered on the evening news. *** Ellen Degeneres doesn't want "dangerous" Trump on her show. Pretty sure he's not gonna lose a lot of sleep over that. It really gets me that she says Trump is the o

Direct Hit

*** Puerto Rico got slammed this morning. The eye of Maria came ashore near the town of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 6:15 a.m. AST Wednesday as a Category 4 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 155 mph. The eyewall of Maria continues to carve through Puerto Rico, passing just south San Juan, lashing the capital with eyewall winds. In advance of the eyewall, the National Weather Service issued a "extreme wind warnings" for several eastern Puerto Rico municipalities. ***And another direct hit - President Trump's UN speech . Arguably the best of his presidency so far.  My favorite part of the whole thing: “In America, the people govern, the people rule and the people are sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people where it belongs.” *** Check out what this New York street artist is doing: There are a bunch more really great ones, but I can't copy and paste them. Follow the link. :-) ***I have to make

Starting Over

***Here we are, starting a new week. I had a great weekend, though not terribly productive business-wise. Went to Columbus on Saturday to go to the new IKEA store with my daughter and her husband. Had a great visit with them. I like IKEA, they have some very nice things and their prices are reasonable. Yesterday we had a belated birthday celebration for me with Mark's family. Always nice to get together with them. That didn't leave much time for working, but I've been hard at it since about 4:00 this morning trying to make up for lost time. *** The NFL is worried about empty stadiums. Good. They're certainly not empty, but they also aren't selling out, not even close. That's what happens when a bunch of spoiled, pampered athletes disrespect the very country and system that allows them their luxuries. *** Left balks as Sessions returns DOJ to rule of law.  President Trump may be disillusioned with Jeff Sessions, but the Attorney General is doing an outst

Don't Believe 'em!

***We've been hearing about how mad Trump's base is, that he caved to Crazy Chuck and even Crazier Nancy, that there will be no wall, that he has agreed to amnesty...blah blah blah. People, do not believe stuff like this! The Left is doing everything it can to bring Trump down, and that means demoralizing his supporters. Rush Limbaugh: But since the Drive-Bys are involved, I’m sorry, folks, I just never, ever do I accept anything, I don’t care what. If it’s football, if it’s the space program, if it’s anything, I automatically do not believe it. Not everything. I mean, I don’t care what they write about local issues and all that. But I’m talking about this kind of stuff, national issues of great importance. I do not believe. Donald Trump: We have to have an understanding whether it’s in the budget or some other vehicle, in a fairly short period of time, the wall will be funded. Otherwise, we’re not doing any deal. That's certainly not what you're hearing


***It's great to see Mr. & Mrs. America come to the rescue of those who have been affected by Harvey, Irma, and the wildfires out west. See, we don't need the government to rescue us. We always pitch in and help each other. You won't see a whole lot about this in the mainstream media, because they, along with their Leftist brethren, want us to think we can't get along without government help. That is just not true. As Rush Limbaugh says, the people who make the country work rebuild it after the hurricanes. Here's an interesting quote: By the way, have you seen the stories, folks? Have you seen these stories all over cable news about how great the Trump administration is doing with FEMA in response to both Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma? Have you seen those stories? I mean, they’re… (interruption) Yeah. I know. They’re not there. Those stories, you don’t find them. Very true. We're not seeing a lot about regular people going down there and doi


***Well, okay, Irma didn't exactly fizzle, but she sure didn't cause as much devastation as predicted. Very thankful for that as I have good friends down there! I'd be thankful even if I didn't, though. :-) *** I was loathe to let summer go, but with the cooler weather we're having in Indiana I'm really ready for fall now! It's my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the decorations, the weather, everything. I try to hold off until mid- to late September to put my decorations out, because they're up until Thanksgiving. That's a long time! I'm a "no Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving" girl. ***Well that's weird. This woman found her engagement ring after 13 years in her garden. A carrot had grown through it. *** 13 kids movies you won't mind watching again and again.  *** The gutless Mr. Franken. Here is a prime example of what I mean when I say that we have some of the most integrity challenged,

The Buzz

***Hey, I promise I'll learn how to use Blogger again and make my page a little more interesting! They've changed a few things and I haven't had time to learn how to do some things. ***I've been reading about Irma and the wildfires this morning - keep these people in your prayers, sounds like it's gonna get ugly down in Florida in the next few hours. ***Did you know Democrat Senator Bob Menendez is on trial for bribery ? I would be willing to bet you don't, because he's a Democrat. Think a sitting Republican Senator would be getting this kid glove treatment from the press? It’s the first time a sitting United States senator has faced a federal bribery trial in 36 years, but CBS, ABC and NBC News did not devote any time to the trial in their Thursday night newscasts. What a surprise. *** And now for some good news: Hard to believe? Well, here are the facts: Swedish historian Mark Norberg breaks down global indicators of human flourishing into