***This past week was exhausting, personally and for the country. There's an upbeat web site called The Chive that has put together a good news article that's really uplifting. It's here. Some examples:
***Lots of good news this week, at least in my opinion. The Supreme Court struck down mandatory union dues and mandatory abortion counseling in pro-life clinics in California, they also upheld Trump's Muslim travel ban. This is good news not only because I agree with all the decisions, but because they are constitutional. That's what the Supremes are supposed to do - interpret the Constitution. They are not there to legislate from the bench. Equally huge is the fact that breaking today is the news that Anthony Kennedy is retiring. His voting record is pretty mixed...hopefully Trump can hit another home run with the next appointee the way he did with Neil Gorsuch. You think the Democrats have been psychotic up to now? Just wait, this will really send them over the edge. Details here: http://www.scotusblog.com/ *** Civilians around the world become better armed . A note to the folks obsessed with somehow disarming all civilians: You may want to find a new hobby. This part...
***Hi! I took about a year and a half off due to time constraints, etc. However, I found I really missed blogging my thoughts and opinions. Even if nobody reads them, I like writing them down. Took a while to find a name that nobody else had, finally had to include my name. This'll do! Now I have to relearn how to use all the gadgets in Blogger. ***Lots of places in the U.S. needing prayer right now - Houston, Montana, Oregon, Florida. Lots of bad stuff going on. I chose to give through Focus on the Family for Harvey relief, 90% of what you give goes directly to help those in need down there. I know we have strange weather in Indiana sometimes, but we don't see extremes like the people down there are experiencing. ***Gonna have to make this a short one as I have lots of work to do! I plan to post daily, looking forward to it! *** “Numerous have been the manifestations of God's providence in sustaining us. In the gloomy period of adversity, we have had 'our cloud ...
***Today's the day we go and cut our Christmas tree with Johnathan, and then tomorrow we are going shopping with both kids...what a perfect weekend! We got our outdoor lights up this morning, now to have Johnathan help us drag all the Christmas tubs down from the attic. I'm starting to get in the spirit, all I need now is a little snow. :-) ***The Washington Post , as usual, is misrepresenting the GOP tax bill , claiming it, wait for it, benefits the wealthy more than the poor and middle class. Gosh, never heard that before, have we? In fact: What the Post reporters don’t tell readers is that other measures of the Senate tax cut bill’s effects contradict their chosen – Democratic – narrative. To cite just one example, the Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards looked at the aggregate percentage cuts by income range. Taxpayers earning $40,000 to $50,000 annually would see a 51 percent reduction. Similarly, those earning $75,000 to $100,000 would see a 17 percent aggregate re...
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