Attacking Religious Liberty

***If you've ever doubted that the Left deplores your religious liberty, you haven't been doing your research. Here's part of the plan:

Conservatives are well aware of this shift in support for religious liberty, having seen recent attempts by states to pass analogous religious-freedom laws stalled or defeated. But there is a greater threat to religious liberty that, to date, has gone largely unnoticed: Liberal organizations are engaged in a concerted effort to strike down or limit religious accommodations by claiming that such laws violate the establishment clause of the Constitution.
The establishment clause of the First Amendment provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” While historically the establishment clause was interpreted as merely preventing Congress from establishing a state religion, the Supreme Court has long since abandoned that approach. Instead, for over 45 years, the courts have applied the Lemon test, named after the Supreme Court case from which it sprang, Lemon v. Kurtzman. Under the Lemon test, to be valid, a law must serve a secular purpose, not advance or inhibit religion, and not result in an “excessive government entanglement” with religion. A law that fails to meet any of these three conditions violates the establishment clause. The Lemon test has long been used to challenge the constitutionality of religious displays on public property (such as crosses and crèches) and religious practices by government officials (such as teacher-led prayers). But now, liberals are now seeking to greatly expand establishment-clause jurisprudence to prohibit the government from accommodating religious beliefs.

Liberals are masters at twisting the meaning of laws to suit their ends, and they're going all-out now. Look how they used the 14th Amendment in order to win Roe v Wade. They claimed the right to kill a baby falls within a woman's privacy rights. And yes, there are those who believe a woman should be able to kill her baby AFTER its birth. Yes, you read that right.
The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life.” The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.

But...I digress. Everyone knows the cases of the florist and the baker who refused to do flowers or baking for gay weddings due to their religious beliefs. Liberals are SO concerned about the "rights" of the gay couples, not so much the business owners. The gays in question were not kept from getting flowers or cakes for their weddings - heck, they were offered FREE services from other business, and that's fine with me. A business owner should be able to conduct their business as they see fit. It wasn't enough to "live and let live," as the Left so famously preaches (but does not practice). They have to punish the business owners. Why? Because they disagree with them. Don't ever let a liberal tell you he's "tolerant" and "inclusive." Just disagree with him, you'll see what I mean. 

Religious liberty is the foundation on which this country was built, and liberals hate that and are doing their level best to eradicate that part of our history. We can't let them succeed.
***They aren't televising the kneeling for the anthem thing as much, because they're losing:
RUSH: There were protests in the NFL again last night. The NFL game last night, there were protests. But you know what? Nobody saw it. You know why? Because the TV networks didn’t televise it. You know why? Because the NFL is losing this thing and the players are losing this thing, and there’s no more power. No longer is there any strength. No longer is there any advantage for the Drive-By Media and the NFL and the players association to televise players disrespecting the anthem. The fact that they thought that was a good thing for them politically shows you how out of touch they are.
There’s no reason, there’s no other reason why the media, the networks, and the players and the league all got together and televised all of these the anthems to show all of these protests, the kneeling, the refusal to honor the flag. They thought they were relating to a majority of Americans. I’m telling you, they’re warped in their view of what the American population is and who they are. And they are learning again — they learned it on election night 2016; they are learning it watching this Hollywood Weinstein story unfold.
They’re learning it in the economy, by the way, with public sentiment on the economy and a near record high. Consumer sentiment in the U.S. is unexpectedly high, because they have no idea. They think you all are out there scrounging around in poverty because Trump’s president, because Obama’s no longer there, and since the government isn’t doing enough to care enough about the poor and the downtrodden, people are starving. They are so out of touch, the disconnect between the media and people inside the Washington bubble and the people in the rest of the county, this disconnect continues to expand. Hell, there’s no reason.
They are completely out of touch with mainstream America. That's why they got the election so wrong too.
Jump, they said...  You'll land on your feet, they said...
***“By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.” – Robert Frost


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