Looking For the Good

***This is a good article about finding the good in life's storms. Not always easy, I'll admit!

Sudden storms are a lot like life. We’re going along fine, and then, all of a sudden, BAM! But storms don’t last forever. And we can even discover some lovely things about them. The winds get rid of debris that would have piled up in the trees. The rain waters the flowers, and leaves everything freshly-washed.
It’s the same with our souls. Instead of focusing on the hardships of life’s storms, what if we looked for the good things? Storms can strengthen us. They cleanse our souls. They can get rid of debris, the things that don’t need to be in our lives.
Storms are great reminders that even when we’re being pounded, we always have the assurance that God will be with us for every difficult moment. The God who made the storm can certainly calm it, and He will stay with us until those storms are over.

During the bad times I'm so thankful for the peace that comes with the knowledge that I belong to Him, no matter what. I like a line in one of Mercy Me's songs, "Grace Got You."

So when you're standing in the rain again
You might as well be dancing
Why? 'Cause there ain't no storm that can change how this ends

"There ain't no storm that can change how this ends." No matter what we're going through, as believers we're going to end up in Paradise forever. Quite a promise. :-)

***I love constellations, but have to admit I can't always find them. Here's the Big Dipper:

Starry night, Beautiful Star at sunset Field with Constellations Ursa major, Leo minor, Leo, Draco Botes, Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices

Constellation Cassiopeia in the night dark sky. Looks like a letter - W or M

Constellation Scorpius and milky way galaxy

More here. 

***Unbelievable silliness. Now a picture of Ivanka Trump and her son is controversial? The Left has completely lots its collective mind. Here is the photo they're so upset about:

Pretty shocking, right? Here are a few mind-blowingly insipid remarks from the Left:

What about the mothers/children in Syria and abroad who who’ve had their mothers/children blown up by her father, Theresa May & friends for oil and other precious minerals, I think she is a kind woman, unaware of the misery she could prevent

everything is so staged with you 😏 never natural so PHONY & IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU HAVE EVERYONE FOOLED🤣🤣🤣🤣What about the kids who have been ripped away from their mothers' arms? How would you feel if that happened to you? Do you even have a soul?

Personally I found this to be offensive when is on everyone’s mind!

 Sorry, that's all I can handle. Geez, what a bunch of miserable people.


What did the duck say when it bought lipstick?

"Put it on my bill."

Image result for memes clean

***I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions. —Stephen Covey


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